Martha C. Bean
Complexities Visualized & Resolved

Do your people aspire to COLLABORATE
but jumble and fumble as the clock ticks?
Do your colleagues talk of TACKLING TOUGH DECISIONS
but can't see how to take that first step?
Does your team speak of ENCOURAGING OPEN DIALOG
but become paralyzed by candid dissent?

Let’s face it. Working effectively and productively with smart, creative people is messy. People with differing perspectives, strong opinions and key organizational roles create a certain kind of friction when problems need to be solved, issued addressed or plans created.
It can be tough to watch that friction fire up – especially when it threatens to burn the house down!
But with friction comes the energy needed to move ahead. We don’t need to be afraid of friction: it’s the spark that brightens the room and that lights up the people in that room.
Imagine what can happen when you harness that persistent, energy-filled and precious friction to see the possibilities and enact your future. Be illuminated!
Illumination: this is what I do. Imagine how much you and your people can accomplish when competing ideas are concretely visualized.
I Draw Out
Your Success
More than 25 years experience mediating complex disputes
Adept with graphic facilitation
Proficient collaboration specialist and conflict coach
Practical, digital approach to problem solving
Expertise in visioning and strategic planning processes
Help you harness your creativity and intelligence for difficult decisions and collaborative problem solving
Enhance the capabilities of your dynamic organization
High performance with gravitas and grace
Images Enhance Understanding
Our language is full of pictures. When we speak of what we care about, of what we know, or of what we hope for, our words become filled with imagery. Turning verbal imagery into actual pictures can, indeed, replace '1000 words'. Pictures are an efficient and universal communication tool. Imagery is clear and deeply nuanced at the same time.
Used in a collaborative setting, or in conjunction with mediation and facilitation, imagery generates dialog, promotes comprehension, expedites discussion and catalyzes creativity as groups work toward a common goal.
Connect with Me
206 • 947 • 1374