Martha C. Bean
Complexities Visualized & Resolved

Martha C. Bean
Complexities Visualized & Resolved


Complexities Visualized and Resolved
Assess the needs and interests of the people in the organization
Design agendas and mechanisms for engagement
Define required outcomes
Coordinate background information for participants
Locate, brief and field-test presenters and panelists
Identify and design on-site, off-site and online participation
Train co-leaders and co-facilitators
Facilitate event to focus on essential discourse, outcomes and products
Enable individual participants to represent and advocate for their interests while understanding those of co-participants
Use graphic facilitation techniques and other innovative engagement tools
Summarize and document results
Provide customized training on a wide variety of collaborative practices
Teach facilitation and effective meeting management
Demonstrate graphic facilitation
Set up remote meeting management when desired (for Zoom and conference calls)
Perform conflict assessment and engagement, mediation and collaboration skills
Value and creatively work with dissent and difference
Martha's Facilitation & Mediation Skills

Graphic Facilitation
A hallmark of Martha’s work is her ability to convey complex technical, scientific and
organizational concepts using simple real-time drawings. Drawn from the ideas and experiences of the group, she combines cartooning with exceptional facilitation skills to propel clients and colleagues to have the conversations and build the outcomes they desire.

Herding Cats
Whether it be leading a meeting, managing a complex project, or illuminating key facts and
ideas, Martha inspires diverse and busy people to cooperate and coordinate on goals, plans,
programs and products. She knows when to hold a meeting. And, just as important, when not to. As process maven, she helps groups know when consensus is essential and when it is not.

Issues Assessment, Mediation, and Conflict Coaching
Issue assessment, mediation and conflict coaching: Decades of experience leading multi-party collaborative processes have given Martha deep knowledge of when, how and why to bring people together to resolve challenges and embrace opportunities. She honors differing
perspectives and values while simultaneously getting all to focus on essential tasks and topics. Martha guides groups to have conversations that are on-point, candid and respectful. She counsels and coaches leaders and members of organizations to do the same.
Connect with Me
206 • 947 • 1374
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